Pictures Of Me, My Family and My Freinds
Me at 1 Year +
Me with Grandparents
Me with Mom and Dad
Me and Other Family
Misc Me
Me under 1 year
Me with Mom and Dad
Am I really related to these people?
Chillin with my dad.
Chillin with my Dad some more
Dad just read the music It's very simple
Dad I'll show you how to water the plant
Dad When is Santa comming?
Dad you are nuts!!!
Go horsey go
Hello Bear
Hey Jack I have a secret I want to tell
Hey Jack wanna go play?
I am a very good swimmer!
Oh mom you are such a r ockstar
Dad you're the coolest!
What you want chopsticks? Oh! alright!
I love my mom!
I give you moonlight sonata No. 14
Mommy Daddy and Me just born
Thanks for the car mom!